Sunday, 18 November 2018


Looking at the last post on this Blog, it is hard to believe what has happened in the last two years and four months since that last post.  There have been some pretty significant life changes, not exactly the reason for not posting here in that time, but life has been busy.

I am now based mainly out of Buffalo, New York in the USA, haven't quite developed the Buffalonian accent yet, but have developed a deep love for grilling with a Big Green Egg and cooking chicken wings!  I now have a wonderful fiancee who has changed my life in some many amazing ways, and although still working on ships 6-7 months a year, I'm trying to reduce that a little, to allow more time together.

I have just gotten back to New Zealand last week, where I will spend most of the next four months.  First up is a 21-day tour around New Zealand - a photographic tour - and then some time off over Xmas with said wonderful girl and family, before a trip to India with Zegrahm Expeditions.  Chennai to Myanmar should be awesome!  After that another 21-day tour around New Zealand for Wrybill Birding Tours, NZ.  And then a break back in the US...

A day never to forget

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