Friday 18 November 2011

The pud

Well, an awesome two days with David Tipling and Roger Tidman here in Hawkes Bay (more in the next few days).  Yesterday at Cape Kidnappers with a few thousand gannets and other bits and bobs, and today with falcon at Boundary Stream.  Fantastic couple of guys and lots of fun and photos.  Taken around 5000 images in two days, and this one has to be one of the best...

Male New Zealand falcon


  1. Lovely shot Brent, are they very easy to see? I'm thinking of crossing the Tasman in the near-future (for a birding-trip) and wondering about must-see sites on the South Island. Tom

  2. HI Brent, Fantastic photo ! I was at Boundary Stream Nov 7th and heard a pair of falcons from the Kamahi Track but although they were close, could not see them from under the canopy. Any hints of a good viewing location there ? Would like to try again soon, Suzi

  3. Cheers guys. Really happy with the results. Think there should have been some nice shots taken by David and Roger also.
    Drop me an email about specific queries (Tom about sites, Suzi about Boundary Stream) and I will respond directly.
