We scanned the rest of the wetland area, but no
other bittern, but we did have greenfinch and chaffinch, our first of the tour!
Can’t believe it had taken so long, but there we have it! There were also shovelor, pukeko, swamp
harriers, great cormorants, and black swans around, so plenty to watch and
We then decided to hit the road and head off
towards Whitianga. We made a stop in
Tairua for coffee, and then up over the windy section to Whitianga. With time in our pockets we headed down to a
spot to watch some of the local NZ dotterel on the beach, probably our last of
the trip. We then grabbed some lunch and
checked into our accommodation, before heading down to the marina to jump on
our afternoon pelagic.
We boarded ‘Sapphire’ with Ian our skipper and
headed out, seeing an Eastern reef egret on the way, and before long the first
fluttering shearwaters, white-fronted terns, and several Arctic skuas that were
chasing the terns. A couple of little
penguins also slipped past in the water.
It was another beautiful day, although overcast, but as we headed out
the sun started to show through the clouds and it gradually became brighter and
brighter. The sea was almost flat calm
with just a slight swell, so perfect conditions…perhaps too perfect!
We made a couple of scenic stops, and cruised past
a rocky island where we spied a New Zealand fur seal lounging about, and then
headed out into deeper water. A few
Buller’s shearwaters and white-faced storm-petrels started to appear, but
overall it was fairly quiet bird-wise.
After a bit more travelling we arrived at a point we liked the look of,
and stopped to put some chum in the water.
It didn’t take too long for a couple of Buller’s shearwaters to swing
by, and then flesh-footed shearwaters and black petrels to come in. White-faced storm-petrels bounced about in
the slick, feeding on droplets of oil and bits of fish. Then we spotted our first Pterodroma petrels,
hoping for Pycroft’s petrel, but almost all of the first ten or so birds that
passed seemed to be Cook’s. Over the
course of the next hour and a half we had about 25 Pterodromas pass by close
enough to get decent views of, and most of them appeared to be Cook’s. However, there were at least two birds that
were definite Pycroft’s with shorter bills, darker head and shawl patterns, and
more bulky chested appearance. As our
time drew to a close we spotted several more Pycroft’s and then gradually
started to head back in. We passed
through a band of birds streaming back towards the Mercury Islands, and almost
all of these appeared to be Pycroft’s, so we saw probably another ten
birds. Two very fleeting little
shearwaters also put in an appearance, and as we got closer, more fluttering
shears, etc.
Arriving back at the Marina after an excellent
afternoon on the water, we were all famished and headed to a nearby restaurant for
another great meal and a few drinks!
Everyone will sleep well tonight!
Day total – Seen = 50 + 1 heard (Canada
goose); new for the trip = 5; total for the trip to date = 106
of the day – Bittern x1, ???????
Waiting for the fog to clear |
Bittern in the sunshine |
New Zealand dotterel on the lawn |
Checking out the scenery |
Scenery |
Black petrel swimming on the water |
Cook's petrel in flight showing the upper surface |
Pycroft's petrel flying low to the water |
Flesh-footed shearwater in flight |
White-faced storm-petrel in flight bouncing off the water |
Beautiful Mercury Bay |
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