Wednesday 14 September 2011


An awesome day in the field doing more bird surveys in Hawkes Bay.  A long day though and I'm off to bed very shortly, but just wanted to post a couple of shots which I enjoyed.  I was out with Mike Lusk, a local guy who spends a lot of time out in the bush, and has a huge knowledge of native flora and fauna.  I was focused on survey the forest patches we visited for birds, but also wanted to photograph other bits and pieces we saw.  So when Mike found some Peripatus I was stoked!  This was something I had really wanted to photograph, and so the new macro setup was VERY handy.  Think I am slowly getting the art of it, but still a learning curve!

Anyway a couple of photos below...

Spider orchids in flower, this species is Big red spider orchid - Nematoceras iridescens

Peripatus ejecting it's sticky entrapment fluid

The curious peripatus!